50 Must-Know AI/ML Interview Questions for Freshers: Your Ultimate Guide to success

You are right at the front of one of the most hyper-attended sectors—AI and Machine Learning. This is a space where innovation meets opportunity and whether you are reading this you are entering into the AI and machine-learning world. But the fact is that the competition is tough. Every year, hundreds of new graduates, just like you, are finding a limited number of AI/ML engineer roles. So, how do you outperform? The only way to withstand a potential failure is through preparedness, and not just any kind of preparation—Thorough preparation.(AI/ML INTERVIEW QUESTIONS)

This article is the latest you need to refer to in preparation for AI/ML interviews for interviews as a fresher. We’ve got you covered with a comprehensive list of 50 AI/ML interview questions that will give you the edge you need in this competitive job market. In practice, we have examined the theory and practical coding and critical thinking.

In the tech industry that is growing fast, AI machine-based data-processing interview questions are becoming essential. Businesses are frantic, searching for professionals capable of leveraging these technologies. You are the key to it! By thoroughly understanding the answers to these questions, you will be able to stand out from the competition and secure the job you are dreaming of.

The level of questions in the article is from as simple as basic ones to the ones which demand critical analytical skills along with programming.Thus, without any delay, let us start with the 50 ai/ml interview questions for AI/ML engineers that will put you on the road to success!

Table of Contents

1. What’s the difference between AI, ML, and DL (Deep Learning)?

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence): As per Wikipedia, “Artificial intelligence (AI), in its broadest sense, is intelligence exhibited by machines, particularly computer systems.”
  • ML (Machine Learning): A subset of AI having center stage the algorithms that learn from the data and generate predictions based on it.
  • DL (Deep Learning): It is a form of ML which requires very deep neural networks (hence “deep”) to specifically analyze the data.

2.What is Machine Learning? Explain the types. Subsequently, elucidate supervised learning.


Machine learning (ML) is a subfield of Artificial Intelligence that facilitates systems to consume data and enhance their performance progressively over time rather than being directly coded to do so. There are three kinds:

Supervised learning is a part of machine learning in which the algorithm is taught from the labeled training data. It aims to learn a function that maps input variables to output variables. The algorithm is “supervised” for accuracy; it is provided with the correct answers (labels) that facilitate the adjusting of the tunable parameters to minimize errors (learning).(ai/ml interview questions)

Supervised Learning: The labeled data is fed into models, hence the models are now able to make predictions based on the data provided.

Unsupervised Learning: Examining data for uncovering the hidden patterns, which are the unknown clusters of data.

Reinforcement Learning: The agent learns from the training set which is formed by interacting with the environment, and the rewards or penalties are obtained from the environment.

3. Explain the Bias-Variance tradeoff in machine learning.


Bias-like errors are the ones which are specifically attributed to the overly simple model, whereas variance-like errors are often associated with models that are probably too complex. The tradeoff finding is a balance so the model will not be too simple (high bias) nor too complex (high variance).

4. What is a confusion matrix? Explain its components.


A confusion matrix is a table used to determine the performance of a classification model. It has four components:

False Negatives (FN): Incorrectly predicted negatives (Type II error).

True Positives (TP): Correctly predicted positives.

True Negatives (TN): Correctly predicted negatives.

False Positives (FP): Incorrectly predicted positives (Type I error).

5. Describe the difference between classification and regression.


Classification: Distinguishing among discrete categories (e.g. spam or not spam).

Regression: Predicting a co continuous parameter (e.g., house price).

6. What is overfitting in machine learning? How can it be avoided?


Overfitting is a situation when the model learns both the main concepts of the input data and the noise thereof, hence yielding high-quality predictions for the training set and poor ones for the new dataset. It can be avoided by:

Cross-validation: Cross-validation methods such as k-fold cross-validation are used to determine a model’s capability of generalization.

Simplifying the model: Scaling back the number of attributes or parameters.

Regularization: Introducing a penalty for higher coefficients.

7. What is the role of hyperparameters in machine learning models?


Hyperparameters are the parameters set before the learning process begins, controlling the learning process itself (e.g., learning rate, number of trees in a random forest). Adjusting these can have extraordinary effects on a model.

8. Explain Principal Component Analysis (PCA).


PCA is a dimension reduction technique, where a large set of variables is transformed into a smaller one by the principal components (the directions under which the data vary the most).

9.Implement a simple linear regression model using Python and sklearn.

 from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

import numpy as np

# Generate sample data

X = np.array([[1], [2], [3], [4], [5]])

y = np.array([2, 4, 5, 4, 5])

# Split data into training and testing sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Create and train the model

model = LinearRegression()

model.fit(X_train, y_train)

# Make predictions

y_pred = model.predict(X_test)

print("Predictions:", y_pred)

print("Actual values:", y_test)

print("Model coefficient:", model.coef_)

print("Model intercept:", model.intercept_)

10.Write a Python function to implement a simple linear regression model using NumPy.


import numpy as np

def linear_regression(X, y):

    X_mean = np.mean(X)

     y_mean = np.mean(y)

     # Calculating coefficients

    numerator = np.sum((X - X_mean) * (y - y_mean))

     denominator = np.sum((X - X_mean) ** 2)

    b1 = numerator / denominator

     b0 = y_mean - (b1 * X_mean)

   return b0, b1

# Example usage:

X = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])

y = np.array([3, 4, 2, 5, 6])

b0, b1 = linear_regression(X, y)

print(f"Intercept: {b0}, Slope: {b1}")


Using the least squares method, the intercept and slope of a simple linear regression model can be calculated by this function. 

11. Write a Python script to split a dataset into training and testing sets.


from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

X = df.drop('target_column', axis=1)

y = df['target_column']

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)


This code snippet does partition of the dataset into 80% training and 20% testing data.

12. How would you implement k-fold cross-validation in Python?

 from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

model = LogisticRegression()

scores = cross_val_score(model, X, y, cv=5)  # 5-fold cross-validation

print(f"Cross-validation scores: {scores}")

Cross-validation with the k-fold method trains and tests the model over multiple small subsets of data to make sure it generalizes well.

13. You’ve been given an imbalanced dataset. How would you address this issue?


Imbalanced Datasets can cause the models being learned to be biased. Here’s how to address it:

Resampling techniques:

Algorithm adjustments: Algorithms such as random forests and decision trees can be used to correct class imbalances.

Using proper evaluation metrics: Aspects like Precision, Recall, F1-score and ROC-AUC which are more analytical than accuracy.

14. How would you choose the right evaluation metric for your model? ( AI/ML INTERVIEW QUESTIONS)


The problem decides which evaluation metric to be employed:

ROC-AUC: Evaluates the model’s ability to discriminate the classes.

Accuracy: It is fit for balanced datasets.

Precision and Recall: These are appropriate for imbalanced datasets.

F1-Score: The measure of the tradeoff that exists between precision and recall.

15. What steps would you take if your model is underperforming?


Check for data quality issues: like Missing Values, Outliers, or Incorrect Data Types.

Feature engineering: features that have been created or improved upon.

Model tuning: Changing hyperparameters.

Try different algorithms: Some algorithms may give better results depending on a particular type of data.

Increase training data: More data can lead to improvement in model performance.

16.What is the difference between a parametric and non-parametric model?


Parametric models, regardless of how much training data we have, have a fixed number of parameters (e.g. linear regression).

Non-parametric models: The number of parameters increases as the amount of training data increases (e.g., decision trees, k-nearest neighbors).

17. Suppose you’re working on a recommendation system. How would you deal with the cold start problem?


The cold start problem occurs when the system has little to no data on new users or items. Solutions include:

Hybrid approaches: Combination of content-based filtering and collaborative filtering can be useful.

Content-based filtering: Suggest items based on the features of the items themselves.

Collaborative filtering with user profiles: Use demographic or sample behavior to learn the preferences of the users.

18. What is a kernel in SVM, and why is it used?


A ‘kernel’ is a way in which Support Vector Machines (SVMs) convert the input data to a higher-dimensional space where it is easier to classify with some linear boundary. The SVMs’ kernel functions let them control the non-linear behavior to classify data when there are no straight boundaries available. Common kernels are:

Radial Basis Function (RBF) Kernel: Preferred for its adaptability with non-linear data.

Linear Kernel: For linearly separable data.

Polynomial Kernel: Used for more complex boundaries.

19. Explain the difference between L1 and L2 regularization.


L1 Regularization (Lasso): Adds the absolute value of coefficients as a penalty to the loss function thereby leading to sparse models which makes some coefficients zero in which case some features are essentially dropped.

L2 Regularization (Ridge): Introduces the squared value of coefficients as a penalty for large coefficients, which in turn does not force them to zero, so there is no overfitting. Moreover, the error is distributed across all terms.

20. What is a decision tree, and how does it work?


This flowchart-like structure called a decision tree shows how each internal node represents a decision of a feature, a branch representing the result of a decision, and each leaf node stands for a class label or continuous value. Each of the tree splits the data into the subsets based on the most significant feature on every step. Thus, it is easy to interpret and visualize. 

21. How does a random forest overcome the limitations of a decision tree?


Random Forest is a method of ensemble learning that based on the creation of several decision trees and aggregation of them to provide a more accurate and stable prediction. It addresses the weaknesses of the single decision tree sounds like overfitting and high variance by using the method of averaging the predictions from multiple trees and by using random subsets of data and features for each tree. 

22. What is gradient descent, and why is it important in machine learning?


Gradient Descent is the algorithm that is used in machine learning to minimize the cost function by iteratively adjusting model parameters. The gradient (slope) of the cost function is calculated and the parameters are moved in the opposite direction of the gradient to get to the minimum value. It is an inseparable part of the training of linear regression, logistic regression, and neural networks.

23. Implement logistic regression from scratch in Python.


import numpy as np

def sigmoid(z):

    return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

def logistic_regression(X, y, lr=0.01, iterations=1000):

    m, n = X.shape

    theta = np.zeros(n)

    for _ in range(iterations):

        z = np.dot(X, theta)

        predictions = sigmoid(z)

        gradient = np.dot(X.T, (predictions - y)) / m

        theta -= lr * gradient

    return theta

# Example usage:

X = np.array([[1, 2], [1, 3], [1, 4], [1, 5]])

y = np.array([0, 0, 1, 1])

theta = logistic_regression(X, y)

print(f"Learned coefficients: {theta}")


This technique provides a brief implementation of logistic regression, additionally, the sigmoid function and gradient descent are a part of these steps.

24. How would you apply cross-validation to optimize hyper-parameters in a machine learning model?

To fine-tune hyperparameters during cross-validation you can choose between GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV from Scikit-Learn.


from sklearn.model_selection import GridSearchCV

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier

param_grid = {

    'n_estimators': [100, 200, 300],

    'max_depth': [None, 10, 20, 30],

    'min_samples_split': [2, 5, 10]


model = RandomForestClassifier()

grid_search = GridSearchCV(estimator=model, param_grid=param_grid, cv=5, scoring='accuracy')

grid_search.fit(X_train, y_train)

print(f"Best parameters: {grid_search.best_params_}")


This code snippet displays the procedure of GridSearchCV for the objective that the optimum hyperparameters of a RandomForestClassifier are determined.

25. Write a Python function to calculate the F1-score for a binary classification model.


def f1_score(y_true, y_pred):

    tp = np.sum((y_true == 1) & (y_pred == 1))

    fp = np.sum((y_true == 0) & (y_pred == 1))

    fn = np.sum((y_true == 1) & (y_pred == 0))

    precision = tp / (tp + fp)

    recall = tp / (tp + fn)

   return 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall)

# Example usage:

y_true = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1])

y_pred = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0])

score = f1_score(y_true, y_pred)

print(f"F1-Score: {score}")


This function then proceeds to calculate the F1-score which is the harmonic mean of precision and recall thus offering one single metric by which the binary classification model can be evaluated.

26. How would you implement a K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm from scratch?


import numpy as np

from collections import Counter

def euclidean_distance(a, b):

    return np.sqrt(np.sum((a - b) ** 2))

def knn(X_train, y_train, X_test, k=3):

    predictions = []

    for test_point in X_test:

        distances = [euclidean_distance(test_point, x) for x in X_train]

        k_indices = np.argsort(distances)[:k]

        k_nearest_labels = [y_train[i] for i in k_indices]

        most_common = Counter(k_nearest_labels).most_common(1)


    return predictions

# Example usage:

X_train = np.array([[1, 2], [2, 3], [3, 1], [6, 5], [7, 8]])

y_train = np.array([0, 0, 0, 1, 1])

X_test = np.array([[4, 2], [5, 5]])

predictions = knn(X_train, y_train, X_test)

print(f"Predictions: {predictions}")


This is a code that implements the K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm which tells a test point that a majority label of its k-nearest neighbors in the training data belongs to.

27. How would you perform feature scaling in Python?


from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler

scaler = StandardScaler()

X_scaled = scaler.fit_transform(X)


The process of feature scaling which ensures that all the variables or features of the data are on the same scale is an imperative part of the algorithms such as KNN, SVM, and gradient descent-based models.

28. Write a Python function to calculate the accuracy of a classification model.


def accuracy(y_true, y_pred):

    correct_predictions = np.sum(y_true == y_pred)

    return correct_predictions / len(y_true)

# Example usage:

y_true = np.array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1])

y_pred = np.array([0, 1, 0, 0, 1])

acc = accuracy(y_true, y_pred)

print(f"Accuracy: {acc}")


To fine-tune hyperparameters during cross-validation you can choose between GridSearchCV or RandomizedSearchCV from Scikit-Learn.

29. What is the difference between Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Deep Learning?


To Mirror the working system of biological neural networks, ANNs use computational models consisting of interrelated nodes (neurons) that are arranged in layers. Deep Learning is a branch of ANNs that largely involves neural networks with many hidden layers (deep neural networks). Deep Learning models can self-learn high-level representations of data which is the reason why they are more efficient in tasks such as image and speech recognition.

30. What is the difference between bagging and boosting in ensemble methods?


Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) and Boosting are both ensemble methods used to improve the accuracy of machine learning models:

Boosting conveys the process of building models in the order they were created and where new models concentrate on improving the mistakes of the old models. AdaBoost and GBM are some examples. Boosting reduces bias and variance, leading to more often better results albeit with some longer training times.

Bagging: Involves training multiple models independently on random subsets of the Bagging: The strategy includes teaching a number of models independently on chosen observation subsets of data (without putting them back), summing their outputs, and averaging the final truth statement. For instance, a Random Forest is a frequent method. Bagging diminishes variance and limitations of overfitting are removed.

 31.What are the key differences between statistical AI and symbolic AI?


Statistical AI: Based on data analysis techniques and probabilistic models such as machine learning and deep learning

Symbolic AI: Applies logical rules and knowledge representation methods (e.g., expert systems, semantic networks)Understanding both approaches is an essential part of a comprehensive interview questions for artificial intelligence machine learning positions.

32. What are the common activation functions used in neural networks? Why are they important?


Activation functions introduce non-linearity into the neural network. Thus, the neural network could learn nonlinear relationships by adding a non-linear activation function to the coefficients. Firstly, here are some common examples of activation functions:

Softmax: Maps logits (raw model outputs) to probabilities that are used in multi-class classification.

Sigmoid: Squashes output to 0 and 1 so that it can be useful in binary classification.

ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit): Performs identity operation for non-negative inputs while setting outputs of zero for negative inputs to avoid the gradient vanishing problem.

Tanh (Hyperbolic Tangent): It produces outputs between -1 and 1 when applied to data. This makes it suitable for data centered around zero.

33. Describe the difference between gradient boosting and random forests.


Random Forests: A set of methods that consists of building several decision trees that exploit samples from the data, and combining their predictions using averaging. It prevents overfitting and makes models stable.

Gradient Boosting: The final model is a decision tree which is built in stages. The subsequent decision trees are added though, they try to correct the errors of previous ones. Unlike Random Forests, it is more liable to overfitting. It can be a rather difficult task but it results in better accuracy.

34. What is the role of a loss function in machine learning? Provide examples.


The loss function determines how well the machine learning model’s predictions correlate with the existing data. Basically, it explains the difference between the two. The goal during training is to minimize that loss of course. Some of them are:

Cross-Entropy Loss: Typically used for classification tasks, it serves a neural network as a measure of error between the predicted probability distribution and the true distribution.

Mean Squared Error (MSE): It is normally used for regression tasks, which computes the average of the squared differences between the predicted values and the actual values.

35. Explain the concept of regularization in machine learning. Why is it important?


Regularization is a technique that adds a penalty to the loss function for large coefficients and it is used to prevent overfitting. Regularization seeks to prevent the model from becoming too complex by reducing the magnitude of the coefficients. The two main variations of regularization are:

  • L1 Regularization (Lasso): Introduces the absolute value of coefficients to the loss function so that the model would be sparse and some of the coefficients would be zero.
  • L2 Regularization (Ridge): Introduces the squared coefficients into the loss function, thus preventing the model from settling on large coefficients and allowing all features to be present.

Regularization is the key factor that ensures that the model is able to generalize well to the new, unseen data.

36.Implement a simple feedforward neural network using Python and TensorFlow/Keras.


import tensorflow as tf

from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential

from tensorflow.keras.layers import Dense

from sklearn.datasets import make_classification

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

# Generate sample data

X, y = make_classification(n_samples=1000, n_features=20, n_classes=2, random_state=42)

# Split the data

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)

# Create the model

model = Sequential([

    Dense(64, activation='relu', input_shape=(20,)),

    Dense(32, activation='relu'),

    Dense(1, activation='sigmoid')


# Compile the model

model.compile(optimizer='adam', loss='binary_crossentropy', metrics=['accuracy'])

# Train the model

history = model.fit(X_train, y_train, epochs=50, batch_size=32, validation_split=0.2, verbose=0)

# Evaluate the model

loss, accuracy = model.evaluate(X_test, y_test)

print(f"Test accuracy: {accuracy:.2f}")


37. How would you handle outliers in a dataset?


Outliers are elements that significantly impact the performance of machine learning models, as well as those that are particularly sensitive to data distribution, for example, linear regression. Here are a few ways to handle outliers:

Imputation: Substitute outliers with the mean, median, or a value gotten from other statistical measures.

Remove or Cap: Eliminate the outliers if they are mistakes or cap the extreme values if they are legal but extremely.

Transform the Data: Carry out transformations like the log, square root, or Box-Cox to minimize the effect of outliers.

Use Robust Algorithms: Algorithms such as decision trees and ensemble methods are less likely to be influenced by outliers.

38. Explain the concept of dropout in neural networks. Why is it used?


Dropout is a technique used in neural networks that is known as regularization. It helps to avoid overfitting. During the training phase, dropout randomly “drops out” (ignores) some fraction of the neurons of each layer, which makes the network force the network not to depend on a certain neuron and this way develops redundancy. It results in the creation of a more resilient model that is more transferable to unseen data.

39. What is the difference between a generative model and a discriminative model?


Generative Model: Models the joint probability distribution ( P(X, Y) ) and a generative model is used for generating new data points. Examples are Naive Bayes and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). These models can be used for the classification of new instances as well as for the generation of new data.

Discriminative Model: Models the conditional probability (P (Y | X)) in such a way that the input features are mapped to the output labels. Examples of these are logistic regression, SVM, and neural networks. These methods are commonly employed for classification tasks.

40. How would you evaluate the performance of an unsupervised learning model?


Evaluating the performance of an unsupervised learning model is more daunting, as there are no labeled outputs to compare it to. Common evaluation methods include:

Visual Inspection: Visualizing the outcomes of methods, like PCA or t-SNE, helps obtain insights regarding data structure.

Silhouette Score: It quantifies the similarity of an item within its decisive cluster to those in other communities.

Elbow Method:This method is the appearance of choosing the optimal number of clusters by drawing the line of squared distances for each point to its assigned cluster center over time.

Adjusted Rand Index: It conveys the similarities of two data clusterings by accessing all the paired samples.

41. How would you deal with a dataset that has a high number of features?


High-dimensional data, often referred to as the “curse of dimensionality,” can lead to overfitting and increased computational cost. Some strategies to handle it include:

Use Models that Handle High Dimensions: Algorithms like Random Forests or Gradient Boosting Machines are more robust to high-dimensional data.

Dimensionality Reduction: Techniques like Principal Component Analysis (PCA) or Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) can reduce the number of features while retaining most of the information.

Feature Selection: Identify and retain only the most important features using methods like Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE), L1 regularization, or tree-based feature importance.

42. Explain the difference between Type I and Type II errors in the context of hypothesis testing.


Type I Error (False Positive): Occurs when the null hypothesis is wrongly rejected when it is actually true. In other words, it indicates detecting an effect or difference when none exists (e.g., a medical test indicating a disease when the patient is healthy).

Type II Error (False Negative): Occurs when the null hypothesis is wrongly accepted when it is actually false. This means failing to detect an effect or difference when one actually exists (e.g., a medical test failing to detect a disease when the patient is actually ill)

43. How would you explain the concept of overfitting and underfitting to a non-technical audience?


Imagine you’re trying to draw a line through a set of points on a graph:

  • Overfitting: If you draw a very complex, wiggly line that goes through every single point perfectly, it might look accurate for those points, but it won’t work well for new points that weren’t part of the original set. This is like memorizing answers for a test instead of understanding the material.
  • Underfitting: If you draw a simple, straight line that doesn’t really match the points well, it misses the pattern in the data entirely. This is like not studying enough and having only a vague idea of the answers.

The goal is to find a balance where the line (your model) generalizes well to new data, without being too simple or too complex.

44. What is the difference between a convolutional neural network (CNN) and a recurrent neural network (RNN)?


CNN (Convolutional Neural Network): Primarily used for image data, CNNs are designed to automatically and adaptively learn spatial hierarchies of features from input images. They are effective for tasks like image classification, object detection, and image segmentation.

RNN (Recurrent Neural Network): Designed for sequential data, RNNs are used for tasks where the order of data points matters, such as time series prediction, natural language processing, and speech recognition. RNNs have loops that allow information to persist, making them ideal for tasks involving sequences.

45. How do you select important features for a machine learning model?


Feature selection is crucial to improve model performance and reduce computational cost. Methods include:

Embedded Methods: Perform feature selection during model training (e.g., Lasso regression, feature importance from tree-based models like Random Forest).

Filter Methods: Use statistical techniques to evaluate the relevance of features (e.g., correlation coefficient, chi-square test).

Wrapper Methods: Evaluate feature subsets based on model performance (e.g., Recursive Feature Elimination, Sequential Feature Selection).

46. Explain the concept of transfer learning in the context of deep learning.


Transfer learning involves taking a pre-trained model, typically trained on a large dataset, and fine-tuning it on a new, smaller dataset. This approach is especially useful when the new dataset is too small to train a deep neural network from scratch. By leveraging the knowledge already learned by the pre-trained model, transfer learning can significantly improve performance and reduce training time.

47. What is the purpose of the learning rate in gradient descent?


The learning rate in gradient descent controls the size of the steps taken towards the minimum of the loss function. A learning rate that is too high can cause the algorithm to converge too quickly to a suboptimal solution or even diverge, while a learning rate that is too low can make the training process extremely slow and get stuck in local minima. Finding the right learning rate is crucial for effective model training.

48. How would you handle class imbalance in a classification problem?


Class imbalance occurs when one class is significantly more frequent than others. Strategies to handle it include:

Algorithm Modifications: Use algorithms that can handle class imbalance naturally (e.g., decision trees, ensemble methods) or modify existing algorithms to weight classes differently.

Resampling Techniques:

Oversampling: Increase the number of instances in the minority class (e.g., SMOTE).

Undersampling: Reduce the number of instances in the majority class.

Use Different Evaluation Metrics: Instead of accuracy, use metrics like Precision, Recall, F1-Score, or ROC-AUC that provide better insights in the presence of class imbalance.

49. Explain the difference between batch gradient descent, stochastic gradient descent, and mini-batch gradient descent.


Batch Gradient Descent: Computes the gradient of the cost function with respect to the parameters for the entire dataset. It is stable but can be slow and computationally expensive for large datasets.

Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD): Computes the gradient using only one training example at a time. It is faster and can escape local minima, but its updates can be noisy.

Mini-Batch Gradient Descent: A compromise between batch and stochastic gradient descent, it splits the dataset into small batches and performs updates on each mini-batch. It combines the advantages of both, providing faster convergence and more stable updates.

50. How would you explain the ROC curve and AUC score?


ROC Curve (Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve): A graphical representation of a classifier’s performance across different threshold settings. It plots the True Positive Rate (Recall) against the False Positive Rate, providing insights into the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity.


Congratulations! You’ve just gone through a comprehensive list of 50 AI/ML interview questions covering theory, practical coding, and critical thinking aspects. Mastering these skills ensures that you can expertly and easily talk about topics related to artificial intelligence and machine learning which will eventually lead you to your dream job in that exciting field.

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Notice that the AI/ML world is constantly changing and keeping yourself up to date with the latest developments and technologies is crucial. We already discussed the initial interview questions for artificial intelligence machine learning which offer the basics, but do not forget to go into the topics you are interested in the most.

By preparing with these AI ML interview questions thoroughly and actively participating in the AI society, you will make yourself a successful candidate in this competitive world of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Depending on the field you want to specialize in, you might want to check either interview questions for AI ML engineers’ positions or the basic ones for AI. The knowledge that you have gained here( ai/ml interview questions) is truly significant.

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